In accordance with Paragraph 8.6.2 (Part 3E of the Constitution), the Chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Azam has agreed to call-in the above decision following a request by Councillor Davies. In accordance with Paragraph 8.6.3, the decision and the reasons for the decision to be called-in (specifically in relation to the proposed closure of Baildon Recreation Centre in March 2025 – resolution 3) are set out below.
“Dear Cllr Azam
In accordance with Paragraph 8.6.2 of Part 3E of the Council’s Constitution, I hereby request that in your capacity as The Chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, you Call in the decision, taken by the Executive Committee on 3 December 2024, to close Baildon Recreation Centre in March 2025.
The reasons for my request are that:
- rather disappointingly, the decision has been taken prior to consultation with ward councillors in Shipley and Baildon plus Baildon Town Council.
- the low usage is due to the absence of marketing the centre; there used to be children's football and children's parties held here, but it seems to me the Council have deliberately failed to maximise the income in order to justify its closure. It feels like Ian Clough Hall over again and I would like to see a viability assessment, based on projections of how much usage could be increased by proactive marketing and basic accessibility improvements.
- several of the groups who use the centre would struggle to find alternative suitable premises (probably particularly Shipley Model Railway Society) and to relocate the outdoor learning to Denholme will make it inaccessible for many local children.
- after the Boxing Day 2015 floods the building was closed for several months for costly refurbishment and flood mitigation measures, though clearly not accessibility improvements and I should be grateful if we could have clarification of what works were done, at what cost and how after only 8 years, the building needs nearly £1m worth of repairs, which appear not have been carried out as the problems have arisen.
Cllr Debbie Davies
Baildon ward (Conservative)”
Following consultation, the Chair of the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee has agreed that the call-in will be considered by the Committee on Tuesday 7 January 2025 @ 5.00pm.
In accordance with Paragraph 8.6.9, the committee, once having considered the decision, shall resolve to deal with the matter in one of the following ways:
- Release the decision for implementation.
- Refer all or part of the decision back to the Executive or area committee as appropriate, to reconsider it in the light of any representations the committee may make. The decision may not be implemented until the Executive or area committee, as appropriate, has met to reconsider its earlier decision.
- Refer the decision to full Council for consideration, in which case the decision may not be implemented until the Council has met to consider the matter.
If the Committee makes no resolution in accordance with paragraph 8.6.9 above, the decision may be implemented.