Philip has been named as one of the most active backbench MP in Parliament.
Research by Scrutiny Counts placed him at number ten, ahead of hundreds of other Parliamentary colleagues.
The list was based on analysis of contributions made in either the main Commons chamber or in Westminster Hall.
Philip said: “I want government ministers across all departments to know what is important to my constituents. Whether that be big schemes such as the need for a Shipley Eastern Bypass or a new swimming pool for Bingley which government has just pledge the money for, or more local issues, I will keep raising issues of concern at every opportunity.
“Speaking in the Commons chamber and in Westminster Hall allows me to highlight local issues as well as hold government to account. I am pleased to have been listed as one of the most active MPs as I believe we should use every tool available to us as MPs to fight for our constituents and constituency and raising matters publicly in the chamber is one of them.
“I also do not think the job of passing new laws should be taken lightly so it is critical to speak in debates and question what we are being told.”
Also included in the top ten were five other Conservative MPs, three Labour MPs and Parliament’s only Green MP.
Scrutiny Counts is an independent resource and it says it aims to improve political access without spin or bias. It took the information from Hansard – Parliament’s official report of proceedings.
The analysis covers January and February this year.