Questions were raised at full council last night by Baildon Ward Councillors Mike Pollard, Debbie Davies and Allison Coates. The answers given again show that Bradford Council doesn't care about the outer areas of the city.
Councillor Mike Pollard asked:
"Would the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport please confirm the most up to date financing profile for the following four key city centre projects: a) Bradford Live b) One City Park c) Darley St Market d) Kirkgate? In each case please confirm, or otherwise, that all the projects are financed (on all tranches of borrowing) assuming a 50 year asset life and state the ‘full year’ annual cost of each project falling upon the Council’s Revenue Budget."
Response (in brief)
One City Park c£35 million
The investment has resulted in the development of new grade A office accommodation in the centre of Bradford. The building is budgeted to cost c£35m, of which £7.5m is funded from external grant. Of the remaining £27.5m which is Council financed, c£15m is budgeted to be funded from rental income from tenants, with the remaining c£12m being Corporately funded.
Bradford Live c£50 million
Overall, the project cost c£50m to construct, of which c£43m is Council financed with the remainder from attracting external grant.
Darley Street Market c£31 million
This project will see a reshaping of the city centre’s retailing area which will become more compact and focussed on a smaller area between the Broadway Centre and Darley Street. The scheme is currently budgeted to cost c£31m of which £2.6m is grant funded. The remaining c£28.5m over 50 years would cost c£1.6m per year to finance.
City Village c30 million
This major regeneration scheme will see the acquisition, vacation and demolition of the Kirkgate shopping centre and Oastler Marker to enable the creation of c950 houses. The current Council capital budget for the scheme is c£30m and this would cost c£1.8m per year for the Council to finance. However, if approved as part of the 2025-26 budget proposals (3rd Dec) the £30m of Corporate borrowing will reduce by £6.5m. This will reduce the annual financing cost to c£1.4m per year for 40 years.
Councillor Debbie Davies asked:
"Several years ago Baildon ward councillors were promised there would be some refurbishment taking place to Esholt playground which only has five pieces of equipment but is used by villagers and visitors alike. We are now told any improvements are 3 to 4 years away. Is there any way even just a slide could be fitted here to provide some healthy outdoor fun?"
This play area along with others in a similar condition is identified for refurbishment works in the third and final phase of the council’s Playable Spaces Refurbishment Programme which will be undertaken over the next 3 years. As with previous phases, sites are prioritised according to the level of significant safety issues presenting or where there is equipment that is permanently isolated or completely removed. Unfortunately, all of the available resources are committed to this programme of work and there is currently no opportunity to make any additional improvements to this play area in the short term unless other resources become available.