Given the concerns raised by local people about the introduction of charges for parking permits Councillor Debbie Davies, for Baildon Ward, asked the following question at last night's Full Council meeting in Bradford.
"Would the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport please explain why the Council is looking to introduce charges for residential parking permits, prior to reviewing where permits are still necessary, rather than doing the review first?"
"The Council is aware that the introduction of parking permit schemes can impact local residents and businesses. For that reason, such proposals are very carefully considered and justified.
The Council manages approximately 350 Residents Parking Permit Schemes across the district, covering around 20,000 residents. Each of these schemes has followed a robust process to justify them coming into force and agreed through the council’s normal protocols for doing so. Reviewing each of these schemes individually before introducing any new parking permits charges would require extensive resources, including site assessments, parking demand analysis, and comprehensive resident consultations for schemes which have already been justified and evidenced previously. The Council will consider reviewing existing schemes where justified and appropriate on a case-by-case basis but will not be reviewing each and every scheme."
Following the statement Debbie has asked residents that
"If you live in an area with permit parking and feel it is no longer necessary please get in touch. There needs to be either 25% of affected households or a minimum of 10 households (whichever is the greater) in agreement in order to consider any change and then there is a process to go through".