Bradford District Council is now proposing to abandon the Baildon Recreation Centre as it is said to be no longer "viable". The site is a flood mitigation ‘washland’ and can hardly be described as a saleable asset. The temptation might therefore be to leave is empty and to allow it to become derelict.
The Baildon Recreation Centre is currently in Shipley Ward but is likely to become part of Baildon Ward when the boundaries are changed in a few weeks time.
Conservative Baildon Councillor Debbie Davies said "I'm very disappointed in this decision and the lack of any opportunity to consult on this building's future especially as following the 2015 floods the centre was closed for several months and considerable investment was made into flood mitigation works as part of the repair and refurbishment. Several groups use the centre and would struggle to find alternative suitable premises and to relocate the outdoor learning to Denholme will make it inaccessible for many local children. The centre could be better used if it was actually marketed - there used to be children's football and children's parties held here but it seems to me the Council have deliberately failed to maximise the income in order to justify its closure. I would urge the Council to re-think this and consult with Shipley and Baildon ward councillors plus Baildon Town Council to explore any alternatives to its closure."
Conservative Baildon Councillor Mike Pollard commented: “In the absence of any signs of movement with regard to assurance that the proposed permanent site for the Baildon Library will ever be developed and of any readily foreseeable progress regarding the Baildon Reservoirs site, it is understandable if Baildon residents are feeling a bit ‘got at’. However, the proposed closure of Baildon Recreation Centre hardly comes as a surprise."
Conservative Baildon Councillor, Allison Coates said "I am concerned about the cutting of services in Baildon, the plans for the new library and reservoirs being on hold and now this, so I can understand why residents feel that Bradford Council are not committed to service provision Baildon and other outer areas of the District."
Spending in excess of £900k to rectify maintenance backlog for a little used facility simply couldn’t be justified, even if the Labour led Council hadn't got themselves into such a financial mess. However, some financial provision does need to be found for demolition and reuse of the site. Even if it is to just make it into a community open green space.